I want to echo the welcome of the other senior staff as we begin another year of learning at Meriden. I hope that the summer break brought great refreshment and rest for you and your families. In the new year we are looking forward to welcoming our new Year 7 cohort, implementing our new House system, and seeing the girls extend and challenge themselves in new ways through their learning and cocurricular pursuits.
Pastoral Contacts
If you have any general questions or wish to raise any concerns about your daughter’s wellbeing, please contact your daughter’s Year Coordinator.
Mrs Hollingsworth will be going on maternity leave in Week 5 of this term, so Year 8 Parents should also begin communicating with Miss Katherine Bull who is stepping into the role of Year 8 Coordinator for 2025.
- Year 7: Miss Charlotte Richards – crichards@meriden.nsw.edu.au
- Year 8: Mrs Sophie Hollingsworth – shollingsworth@meriden.nsw.edu.au and Miss Katherine Bull – kbull@meriden.nsw.edu.au
- Year 9: Miss Amy Wilson – awilson@meriden.nsw.edu.au
- Year 10: Mrs Jennifer Juhn – jjuhn@meriden.nsw.edu.au
- Year 11: Mr Luke Mottee – lmottee@meriden.nsw.edu.au
- Year 12: Miss Ji Mee Lee – jlee@meriden.nsw.edu.au
To get in touch with a member of senior staff about student welfare, please contact Mrs Jenny Kemp, Dean of Pastoral Care at jkemp@meriden.nsw.edu.au or myself at jchilton@meriden.nsw.edu.au.
A reminder that if your daughter is absent from school, please ensure that you mark her as absent via the Meriden App. This is our preferred method of communication about student absences.
Alternatively, you can email absences@meriden.nsw.edu.au making sure that you specify a reason for her absence.
Updating Health Records
Please ensure that your daughter’s health records are up to date on the Meriden App. This information is used by the Health Centre and to assist us in appropriate planning of excursions and camps.
The Senior School Health Centre is staffed daily from 7:00am – 5:30pm by Nurse Jennifer Morgan-Nicholson and Nurse Caitlin Dinh. For any questions about how to update your daughter’s medical information please contact healthcentre@meriden.nsw.edu.au or on 9752 9418.