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Junior School girls win Rotary Citizenship Awards

Heidi Bartlett and Sienna Liu

The Rotary and Rotaract Clubs of Burwood have recognised the leadership and personal initiative of two Meriden students, presenting them with Primary School Citizenship Awards. Year 6 students, Heidi Bartlett and Sienna Liu, were acknowledged for their positive and caring attitude, reliability and trustworthiness and for their active participation in school and community events.

Heidi has demonstrated her skill as an empathetic and enthusiastic leader of the Year 6 STEM team. She has actively fulfilled her duties in assisting other students to use technology and to enjoy learning about Science. She has maintained IT equipment, aided staff in the setup of IT resources for teaching and taken an active role in promoting and leading activities during Science Week, leading by example in producing an outstanding submission for the Junior School Science Fair. Heidi was also a member of the Meriden Tournament of Minds team. In this role, she gave generously of her time, collaboratively contributing to the creative process through scriptwriting and costume development.

Sienna is a kind and caring student who has shown outstanding commitment to the Year 6 Cultural Awareness team throughout the year. Every term, she has embraced the different causes presented to the team and developed meaningful and relevant resources on each social justice issue to ensure every student in the Junior School could understand and participate in the team’s initiatives. She has been an active participant in all events, from Harmony Day to the Famous Indigenous Australians Exhibition and the Global Culture Awareness Trivia event. Sienna is always the first to take the initiative within the Cultural Awareness team and her can-do attitude inspires her classmates to think deeply about, and collaborate on, important projects. She makes sure that other students know that she is available to help them if support is needed. Sienna is generous with her time and liaises collaboratively with both her peers and teachers.

Heidi and Sienna are excellent role models and companions to their peers in Meriden’s Junior School and the School congratulates them on this recognition of their hard work and continued commitment to contributing positively to our community.

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