When Meriden students graduate they become part of a global network of women who are connected by the experiences and friendships they developed during their time at Meriden.
Meriden Old Girls hold a special place in the heart of the School; they are an integral part of the School community. Old Girls continue their connection with the School in many ways throughout their lives. Some see their daughters and granddaughters graduate from Meriden, others take up roles as teachers or coaches of sporting teams and cocurricular activities. Others provide their expertise as mentors to current students and as keynote speakers at School events. Old Girls serve as valuable members of the School Council and volunteer groups.
Stay connected
Contact from past students is always welcomed at Meriden. The Community Relations office is happy to assist Old Girls reconnect with their class peers. For this reason, it is important that Old Girls keep the School informed about changes to their contact details. There is an online form in this section of the website for this purpose.
Fidelis magazine, published annually, contains an Old Girls section with news articles and invitations for reunions and events. Contributions for inclusion in Fidelis (maximum 300 words) are welcomed.
Please email communityrelations@meriden.nsw.edu.au for assistance in connecting with other Old Girls or to submit news items for inclusion in Fidelis.
Career Mentoring Program
Meriden Old Girls are a valuable resource for advice and guidance on career opportunities and tertiary pathways for our senior students. The expansion of our Career Mentoring Program has opened up opportunities for Old Girls at all stages in their careers, to join the ranks of our career mentors and speakers. If you would like share your knowledge and experience with our current students, please complete the expression of interest form and we will be in contact with you.Â
Change of Address
Please let us know if you have changed your contact details by completing the form below.
Old Girls’ Union
The Meriden Old Girls’ Union (OGU) was formed in 1917. It is an independently-constituted association of past students that functions under its own Articles of Association. A nominated member of the Old Girls’ Union is elected every two years to be a member of the School Council and an Old Girls’ Union representative attends the Annual General Meeting of the Meriden Association.
On graduating from Meriden, students are invited to become a life-time member of the OGU. Click here to download the Membership form
Membership fees assist the OGU to continue its long-held tradition of donating resources that benefit the School and maintain Old Girls’ links with the School they loved.
The OGU organises ‘Back to Meriden’ day which is held on the last Saturday of August each year. The event gives past students the opportunity to catch up with old friends, renew acquaintances with fellow students and teachers and tour the School. The OGU also organises reunions for interstate and regional members.
Each year, the OGU awards the Vocation Prize of $500 to a Meriden student who has been motivated to do her best academically while also participating fully in the life of the School. Worthy recipients have a clear sense of their future career direction and they are often quiet achievers who, through their actions, express many of the values essential to the success of Meriden students in their post-school lives.
OGU Committee
President | Kylie Kapeleris |
Treasurer | Â Billie Lottey |
Secretary | Nikki Kelso |
School Council Representative | Irene Karantonis |
Committee Members | Bianca Aslanbas |
 | Carla Gagliano |
 | Hermione Kidd |
 | Anika Kulendran |
 | Anna Linfield-Kent |
 | Jessica Meldrum |
 | Marina Mitrevski |
 | Cassandra Penrose |
 | Natalya Rodrigo |
 | Aneesha Satyendra |
 | Amy Taylor |
OGU News and Events
OGU Committee meetings are held at Meriden. If you are interested in attending any of the OGU events or if you are interested in joining the Committee, please contact the OGU by email ogu@meriden.nsw.edu.au
Click here to view the latest OGU Newsletter.
If you are arranging a class reunion this year, please let us know by contacting communityrelations@meriden.nsw.edu.au
Meriden Old Girls’ Union
PO Box 164
Strathfield NSW 2135