The Meriden Uniform Shop is located at Shop 1, 8-14 Lyons Street, Strathfield (between the Commonwealth Bank and Strathfield Sports Club). On-street parking is available in Lyons Street which can be accessed via Parnell Street. An alternative is to park in Margaret Street near the Senior School campus and walk to Lyons Street which takes approximately three minutes.
Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday, 7:45am – 5:15pm (during term time)
Final day of trading: Friday 6 December
Uniform Shop re-opens: Wednesday 15 January
Uniform Requirements
The Uniform Shop stocks the complete school uniform and sports uniforms, except for shoes. The staff members are experienced in fitting growing girls and can advise on the exact requirements for summer, winter and individual sports.
A clothing pool for the sale and purchase of second-hand uniforms is also available.
A range of ‘Meriden’ items can be purchased from the Uniform Shop. These items include umbrellas, water bottles, masks, towels, supporter’s cap and scarf. Funds raised by the Uniform Shop assist the School with the purchase of resources and equipment and ongoing maintenance.
Please click the button below to see a list of uniform requirements (including shoes) for students in Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12.
Appointments for Fittings
Appointments should be made with the Uniform Shop to fit a student for her uniform. A full fitting takes approximately 30 – 45 minutes and the student must be in attendance. All new students must be fitted for their uniforms. To make an appointment:
- Visit the website: www.schoolinterviews.com.au
- Enter the code: 5usv4
- Follow the instructions as shown on the website.
Online and Telephone Orders
Uniform items can be ordered and paid for online through the Flexischools ordering system. Junior School orders will be delivered to your daughter’s teacher. Senior School orders will be delivered to Senior School reception for collection by your daughter. Click the button below for futher information about ordering through the Flexischools system.
Telephone and email orders direct to the Uniform Shop are also welcomed via phone on (61 2) 9752 9492 or email uniform@meriden.nsw.edu.au
Payment Options
Payment options are:
- Eftpos
- Flexischools online ordering system
- Cash
Contact Details
Shop 1, 8-14 Lyons Street, Strathfield NSW 2135
Phone: (61 2) 9752 9492
Email: uniform@meriden.nsw.edu.au