Mrs Lee
Community Chaplain

Christmas decorations have been on sale since September, jacaranda trees are in full bloom, HSC examinations are over and I have already had two discussions with friends about when it is appropriate to start putting up the Christmas tree and begin wearing Christmas jewellery! (My answer: December 1, their answer: NOW). These might be hints that the end of the year is coming soon. So what has your year been like?

I look back to the start of 2022 when I nervously started my new job at Meriden as Community Chaplain. That was a time when mask-wearing and multiple Rapid Antigen tests were signs of unstable and uncertain days. Now, what a year it has been! While still full of ups and downs, we can now look back on a year in which we have been able to enjoy regular classes, assemblies, concerts, camps, and yes, even exams.

The Apostle Paul writes in Romans chapter 12:

12Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 

God calls us to joy, hope, patience even in the hard times, and a commitment to prayer. Simply put – we can talk to God about our joyful times and hard times and turn to Him always with our requests. Just as a parent loves hearing about the highs and lows of their child’s day and fields the (many) requests of their children, we have a Heavenly Father who delights to have us pray to Him and He is listening! So, as I enjoy the purple flowers blooming just outside my window and watch my friends and neighbours begin their end-of-year decorating in November, join me in looking back on our year with deep thankfulness to God. And let us begin praying to God, who knows and is in control of the years ahead, for our students, staff, families, our country and our world.

As we come to our final Parents’ Prayer meeting for 2022, I invite you to gather with us on Thursday 17 November at 6:00pm in the Boardroom of the GCMD. It will be wonderful to rejoice and give thanks for what God has done this year at Meriden and to entrust our future days to Him. I look forward to meeting you there.

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18