Mr Loane
Head of Campus

Parents and students are reminded to be patient during pick-up and drop-off on Margaret Street. The area gets quite congested during peak times, and it is suggested to avoid these times by bringing forward your drop-off or delaying your pick-up times. Please be vigilant in driving carefully and slowly, following parking signage and the instructions of Meriden staff. Do not encourage girls to cross the road other than at the pedestrian crossings. The safety of the girls is paramount.

Our new canteen provider, Vanilla Blue, is making great progress in transforming the canteen space, training staff and revamping food offerings for students. Girls are getting used to the new processes and enjoying the new menu. The canteen will be fully operational from Week 4. Please keep an eye on Flexischools for new options.

The Welcome to Meriden Evening for parents of Year 7 students and parents new to the Senior School was held last Friday. After some informative talks from senior staff members, those present were able to enjoy the hospitality of the Parents and Friends’ Association (P and F) on the top level of the Greenhalgh Centre for Music and Drama. It was pleasing to see many parents in attendance sharing refreshments and strengthening relationships. Thank you to the P and F for hosting this event.

Sport activities are well underway, and the first weekend of competition with other schools takes place this Saturday. It is a blessing that families can be on-site to encourage their daughters as they compete. Please remain positive on the sidelines and always respect the officials and opposing teams. Girls are encouraged to develop their teamwork skills, individual skills and overall fitness in the variety of sports offered. Make sure you check the Meriden App for the latest updates relating to sport.

The annual Senior School Swimming Carnival will take place on Tuesday 14 February at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre, Homebush. Sports staff and House Officers have been working busily in preparation for this event. All girls are encouraged to take part in the various events and enjoy the camaraderie and House spirit on the day.

Rehearsals for the Senior School production of Annie continue, and all Meriden families are encouraged to save the dates for the upcoming performances at The Concourse, Chatswood, taking place on Thursday 30 March, Friday 31 March and Saturday 1 April. Ticketing information will be available soon.