Vaccinations administered by NSW Health are available onsite at Meriden for Years 7 and 10 girls on certain dates throughout the year. The first vaccination day for Year 7 students will be held on Wednesday 22 March. I am pleased to let you know that the enrolment and consent process has moved to an online system, which uses the Service NSW portal. Please see the flyer below for further details. Click here to enrol your daughter by Friday 17 March. Families without a Medicare card will be given a hardcopy form to be completed and returned to the Senior School reception. General information about the program can be found here.
Meriden student cards have a variety of functions that promote the smooth running of the school day. These include:
- Signing in each morning at a Kiosk
- Tapping on and off Meriden buses
- Purchasing food from the canteen
- Used as identification for assessments in the senior years
All girls are expected to carry their cards on their person each day. It is not acceptable to use a mobile phone to purchase food from the canteen. Mobile phones are to be kept in lockers during the school day. Food can be ordered prior via Flexischools or bought using their student card (attached to a Flexischools account), physical bank card or cash. Replacement cards can be obtained from the IT helpdesk.
Please be vigilant when dropping off and picking up your daughters from Margaret Street. Traffic builds up during the peak morning and afternoon times. Your attention and patience are appreciated. Please drive slowly, follow the instructions of the Meriden staff and ensure you adhere to parking signage and road laws. Please do not perform U-turns, double park, drop off or pick up girls from the middle of the road or encourage your daughter to cross the road unless at a crossing. The safety of the girls and staff is paramount; please drive slowly.
On Friday 17 March, our Swimming and Diving Team will compete at the IGSA Swimming and Diving Championships. We wish them well and urge them to do their best. Year 8 students will attend the carnival to support the team. Students will travel to and from the venue by bus. This spectating activity was approved at the start of the year. Therefore, no action is required from parents.
Preparations and rehearsals for Annie continue, and we look forward to the performances later this term. Tickets are now available for purchase here.