Mrs Chilton
Head of Student Wellbeing

This week I had the immense joy of attending Meriden’s Music Camp. I was blown away by the hard work and dedication of the girls and music staff to their craft. Perhaps, more significantly, I was reminded of the immense joy that making music brings to those who participate in the process and those who listen. How fortunate the girls are to be able to be a part of these incredible ensembles.

One of the reasons we encourage the girls to sing collectively at Meriden is because we know how important music is for the soul. Singing makes us feel better in mind, body and spirit. It helps us to lift our gaze to something bigger and greater than us.

The act of making music together is a key way in which we support the wellbeing of the girls at Meriden. Whether it be in the Symphony Orchestra, singing in Chapel, or dance battles in tutor group – where there is music, there is joy.

Thank you to those in our community who continue to share their musical gifts with us. And girls – if you are reading this – keep singing! Make music! Dance! It is so good for you, and it will make you smile, even on the difficult days.