Dean of Pastoral Care
This term in the Senior School, we have welcomed Mrs Jenny Kemp to the Pastoral Care team at Meriden. Mrs Kemp comes with considerable experience in pastoral care and will be working closely with me in supporting the pastoral tutors, Year Coordinators, school counsellors and nurses as we seek to care for the girls in the Senior School at Meriden. Mrs Kemp may reach out to you if there are concerns raised about your daughter’s engagement, behaviour and wellbeing.
Parent Forum: Rediscovering Hope – Dr Leisa Aitken
A reminder that on Thursday 15 August we will be holding a Parent Forum in the Lecture Theatre on the topic of Hope. Dr Aitken will discuss her research on hope, anxiety and addiction in young people and provide helpful insights and strategies for parents as they support their children through the inevitable bumps along the road of adolescence.
Parents and staff are invited to attend and register their attendance via the following link:
This is a free event, but registration is required for catering purposes.
Student Leaders Election
Over the coming weeks, we will be announcing the student leadership teams for 2025. There are many girls who have put themselves forward to serve in these roles at Meriden, and we are heartened by their willingness to take on these roles.
There will be many girls who miss out on formal leadership positions. This will be disappointing for many, but at Meriden there are so many opportunities for girls to engage in informal leadership roles across the school. Each year we are impressed by the girls who do not receive a formal leadership title, but who find their own way to contribute to their year group culture and the broader life of the school.
If your daughter is not elected to a House Officer or Prefect position, please do encourage her to express her disappointment, and then consider how she might find her own way to make her mark on the life of the school in her senior years at Meriden.