Subject Selection | Year 11 Exams | Year 12 Music Performance Exams
Subject Selection
It is an important time in the year for the Years 7, 8 and 10 students who are selecting their elective subjects for 2025. While this can be a tricky decision, there are always different options in the future if students change their focus for their pathway to tertiary studies.
It is an exciting time when students can start to determine what subjects they study, which helps build agency and interest. When choosing subjects, the advice is always the same: choose subjects that you have a talent for and that you enjoy. The rest will fall into place.
If your daughter has any questions regarding the subject selection process or if she would like to discuss the best options for her, she should email Ms Sascha Bass or speak with her during recess or lunchtime.
Year 11 Exams
We wish Year 11 students well as they complete their exams this week and next. These exams bring together all the knowledge and understanding that they have learned throughout Year 11. It is a short and intense time with exams spread over nine days. They will certainly enjoy their Picnic Day at the end of the exam session.
Year 12 Music Performance Exams
Next week, Year 12 Music students will be completing their practical exams. We wish the students well and know that they have been working very hard throughout the past year in perfecting their performances. If you were able to attend the performance nights, then you would know the diversity in repertoire and talent amongst our students. We are very proud of their efforts.