Mr Loane
Head of Campus

The Senior School Speech Night takes place on Tuesday 10 December at Sydney Town Hall, from 6:00pm. Students are expected at school during the day as usual, and at the event in the evening. Parents and supporters are welcome to attend and should register via this link.

This week has seen Years 8 and 9 attend their respective camps. Year 8 students return to school from the Shoalhaven on Friday afternoon at around 4:00pm, having completed their activities growing their resilience and independence.

I was able to attend the Year 9 Service camp on Monday at the Youthworks Port Hacking site. The girls were engaged in a number of activities, including local nursing home and early childhood centre visits, making cards and small gifts, and also stand up paddleboarding and high ropes courses. It was pleasing to see Year 9 students enthusiastically take part and encourage their peers during these activities. A group of Year 9 students is also currently travelling through South East Queensland and another is in Fiji, again undertaking a range of service and cultural activities to support the communities they are visiting. The various camps and tours that run throughout the year provide great opportunities for learning, competition, character formation and peer relationship growth.

The P and F AGM was held recently. The committee for 2025 was elected, and I am pleased to announce the following roles were filled:

  • President: Ms Meeghan Tsihlis
  • Vice President: Ms Kate Lam
  • Vice President: Mr Doddy Koeswandy
  • Treasurer: Ms Valeria Ko
  • Secretary: Ms Jenny Leong
  • Publicity Officer: Ms Fiona Vaux

Thank you to these parents who will serve in this role in the coming year and a special thank you to those who served this year, including outgoing President, Mr Stephen Howison, as well as Mr Emad Hanna and Mr Will Leong. A reminder that all parents are invited to attend monthly meetings, usually held on the first Monday of the month during term and also to volunteer at the various events hosted by the P and F. The P and F are supporting the Music Under the Stars event on Friday 29 November and the Family Carols service the following week (Thursday 5 December), and the committee looks forward to providing food for the Meriden community at these events.