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Meriden commences partnership with Cambridge International

From this week you may see a 500-year-old Elizabethan coat of arms on the Meriden website.

This term, Meriden is delighted to have commenced our partnership with Cambridge International as an International Partner School. Selected students in Year 9 will continue their NESA courses in Science and Geography and, in addition, will begin study in Cambridge accredited subjects – Global Perspectives (Geography) and Science.

The additional Cambridge study will complement and enhance Meriden’s classes, and will offer Meriden girls the opportunity to think critically about the world around them. This global outlook and important connection to Cambridge is an invaluable commodity and one we are thrilled to offer our students.

Mrs Christine Kenny, Head of Teaching and Learning, said, “We are only just at the very beginning of this partnership and we are excited to see our teachers access Cambridge resources, that they can draw on and use in the classroom.”

“We are anticipating that these useful resources will assist teachers in Geography and Science, and enrich our classroom experience more broadly,” said Mrs Kenny.

The Cambridge International curriculum is recognised by universities and employers worldwide and designed to encourage students to develop higher-order thinking skills – problem-solving, critical thinking, independent research, collaboration and presenting arguments.

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