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Cadets recognised for exemplary service

CUO Lyly Nguyen

Nineteen Meriden cadets have been acknowledged for their exemplary service to, and performance in, the Trinity Grammar School Army Cadet Unit.

A range of awards was bestowed upon the girls, including the prestigious accolade, The Joseph Sword, which was presented to CUO Lyly Nguyen. This award recognises the recipient’s high standard of care and consideration for the cadets under her command. CUO Nguyen is the first Meriden student to have received this important award.

Other awards of significance presented to Meriden girls include the COL (AAC) Christie Award, which was bestowed on CPL Ashley Jackson for consistently showing exceptional leadership; Dux of the Junior Non-Commissioned Officers’ Course, which was awarded to CPL Surabhi Govind; and Dux of the Cadet Under Officers’ Course, which was jointly awarded to CUO Emily Seeto.

CUO Nguyen said she is grateful for the leadership opportunities Cadets has provided her.

“As a platoon commander, I’ve learnt a lot about teamwork and about myself; working outside my comfort zone gave me the push I needed to step up and be the best leader I can be,” she said.

“I am honoured to have received The Joseph Award and it truly means a lot to me to be the first Meriden cadet to receive it. 2021 was the year Meriden cadets really made their mark on the unit through leadership, resilience and teamwork and I feel that this award was for all the Meriden cadets who showed these qualities.”

CPL Jackson, whose leadership skills shone at training and camps in 2021, said the Cadets Annual Field Training Camp was a highlight of her year.

“I really enjoyed the opportunity to use the skills I learnt and to make strong connections with other cadets in a new, challenging environment,” she said.

“The camp was so rewarding because I came to understand that I met its challenges with the support of my platoon. It made me feel more confident in my abilities as a leader.”

LT (AAC) Fiona Brennan, Meriden Coordinator of Cadets, said the many awards presented to Meriden cadets highlight the outstanding efforts of the girls this year.

“The cadets are to be commended on their enthusiasm to take on new responsibilities and on the determination they have shown to achieve common goals,” she said.

“We look forward to seeing all our cadets continue to challenge themselves and develop as leaders.”

Congratulations to the following cadets who received awards:

The MAJ (AAC) Aikman Award for Best Trained Cadet in 2021
CDT Paige Kalipciyan – Most Outstanding Trained Cadet – A Coy
CDT Rachel Xie – Most Outstanding Trained Cadet – B Coy
CDT Angelina Le-Lo – Most Outstanding Recruit Cadet – C Coy
CDT Mia Wills – Most Outstanding Recruit Cadet – D Coy

The Surgeon General’s Award
CUO Kiara Van Ede – Most Outstanding Trained Cadet in Support Company – HQ Coy

The 21st Construction Regiment Trophy
WO2 Adele Dang – Most Outstanding SGT

Dux of the Cadet Under Officers’ Course
CUO Emily Seeto – Most Outstanding Cadet Under Officer

Dux of the Junior Non-Commissioned Officers’ Course
CPL Surabhi Govind – Most Outstanding Junior Non-Commanding Officer

The COL (AAC) Christie Award
CPL Ashley Jackson – Most Outstanding JNCO

The Ogier Ceremonial Drill Trophy
WO1 Isabella Saville – Ceremonial Drill Commander

The Commanding Officers’ Commendation
CUO Vanessa Hamilton-Kane – Outstanding Leadership
CUO Jamila Pham – Outstanding Leadership
CUO Emily Seeto – Outstanding Leadership
CUO Celeste Valiozis – Outstanding Leadership
CUO Kathryn Deal – Outstanding Leadership
WO2 Eduarda Da Costa – Commitment and Courage
WO2 Bruna Da Costa – Commitment and Courage
WO2 Lillian Havansky – Commitment and Courage

The Joseph Sword
CUO Lyly Nguyen – Most Pastoral CUO

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