In a dazzling display of musical talent, Meriden student, Nerissa Du, recently took centre stage alongside world-renowned musicians at the...
Accomplished Meriden violinist, Teresa Yang, has taken out the top prize in the Sydney Eisteddfod NSW Doctors Orchestra Instrumental Scholarship...
On Saturday evening, the cast and crew of Meriden’s Senior School musical production of Annie received a standing ovation. After...
Meriden musicians and Year 8 students, Sharon Zhao and Nerissa Du, were selected to a group of the top thirty-five...
Meriden’s musicians are celebrating a phenomenal winning streak at the Sydney Eisteddfod after claiming seven top-two placings at the prestigious...
The Governor of NSW, Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC QC, has opened a spectacular new Centre for Music...
Meriden girls have taken to the stage alongside some of the state’s finest young musicians as part of the Australian...
Meriden has celebrated the tenacious, resilient and optimistic Class of 2021. At the Graduation and Prizegiving ceremony, which was livestreamed...
Teresa joins the ranks of professional violinists with latest prize 25 March 2021 The Kendall National Violin Competition has been...
The Rotary Club of Strathfield has recognised the outstanding contribution of Meriden students to sport and the arts in the...
Meriden girls Alison Chang, Ellie Dong, Erin Du and Stella Hong have recently earned their Associate in Music, Australia (AMusA) diploma from...
Dr Greenhalgh has warmly farewelled the Class of 2020, a cohort that has risen to each challenge it has encountered...
Meriden Junior School has recently celebrated the opening of specialised classrooms. The colourful, architecturally-designed spaces are being enjoyed by students...
Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony is instantly recognisable for its drama. But the famous score was not the cause of emotion for...
Meriden has launched an exciting cocurricular activity for its student pianists, Club 88. The club takes its name from the...