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Meriden appoints new Principal

Mrs Lisa Brown

Today, the Chairman of Meriden School Council, Rev Dr Andrew Katay, has announced the appointment of Mrs Lisa Brown as Principal of Meriden, commencing 1 January 2023. Mrs Brown will take over the role from Dr Julie Greenhalgh who, earlier this year, announced her retirement effective at the end of 2022. Dr Greenhalgh has been Principal since 2007.

Mrs Lisa Brown is well known to the Meriden school community having joined the School as a teacher in 2004. In addition to her teaching roles, Mrs Brown has held positions essential to the delivery of a well-rounded education for girls at Meriden, including Year Coordinator, Head of Sport, and Head of Campus. She is currently completing a PhD on the topic of Women in Leadership.

In making the announcement Rev Dr Katay said, “It will come as no surprise that the Council has selected an internal candidate. The exceptional leadership that Dr Julie Greenhalgh has given to the School has included the raising up of many outstanding leaders in senior roles in the School, and it was clear to the Council that in Mrs Brown we had someone who could not only bring strong stability and seamless continuity in the core convictions, commitments and trajectory of the School, but even deepen and develop them”.

Rev Dr Katay said that Mrs Brown comes to the role of Principal with deep experience across the ‘crucial quartet’ in independent schooling: academic rigour and excellence, cocurricular opportunities, pastoral care and Christian ministry. “A school can’t major on any of these to the neglect of others. It needs to excel in all four,” he said.

Mrs Brown will benefit from the mentorship of Dr Greenhalgh over the next six months as she prepares to take up her new role in 2023.

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