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Meriden takes out inaugural Badminton comp

Meriden 1 team members with Dr Julie Greenhalgh

Five Sydney schools competed in Meriden’s inaugural Inter-School Badminton Competition and our girls were the stand-out performers. Meriden entered nineteen teams across seven divisions and saw seven of these compete in grand final matches, with three teams claiming victory and four teams placing runners-up. Meriden 1 performed exceptionally in a challenging competition, securing first place in the S01 Division.

Year 10 student, Jessica Lee, who was awarded Best All Round player in Meriden 1, said her team’s strategy of remaining supportive of all team members on the court paid off.

“The competition taught me the importance of a team-centred mindset and the value of being part of a team that wants to be there to win but also to have fun,” she said.

“There was a lot of camaraderie between our team members and having a dedicated cheer squad made up of off-court team members was a great way to keep each player performing at their best.”

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