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National badminton champion begins at Meriden

Badminton champion Sydney Tjonadi

Sydney Tjonadi started Year 7 at Meriden this week, but that’s not the first exciting thing she’s done this year. Sydney was named as one of the country’s best young badminton players when she and her Under 13 doubles partner won the Australian National Badminton Championships in Melbourne last week. Sydney was also the runner-up in the competition’s singles event.

Sydney’s passion for badminton is evident in her commitment to a rigorous training regimen in the lead-up to the competition.

“I trained for four hours on the court each day,” she said.

“Off-court, I ran, skipped and did other exercises like push-ups, sit-ups and lunges. I always try my best in everything I do because I know that the outcome is affected by whether or not I’ve given my all.”

Congratulations on your achievement, Sydney; the Meriden community looks forward to hearing about where the remainder of 2019 takes you in badminton.

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