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Top performers invited to Physics Olympiad

Helena Yan and Angela Shan will attend the Australian Physics Olympiad Summer School

The Australian Science Olympiads are a national program for top-performing secondary school students that culminate in the International Science Olympiads. Meriden girls have once again proven that they are highly engaged in a range of scientific disciplines, with a number of girls performing exceptionally in the first round of school-based examinations. Congratulations to Year 11 students Helena Yan and Angela Shan who achieved High Distinctions in Physics, placing them in the top ten percent of students in Australia. The girls have been invited to participate in the Australian Physics Olympiad Summer School at the Australian National University in January 2020.

The intensive Physics residential program runs for sixteen days over the summer holidays and brings together the country’s most exceptional Science students. They will have access to ANU’s lecturers, tutors and laboratories and, over the course of the program, they will hone their scientific knowledge and skills by engaging with challenging, university-level content. The students will be competing to secure a place on the Australian team at the 2019 International Science Olympiads.

Meriden’s top-performing Year 10 and Year 11 Science students took part in the Biology, Chemistry and Physics Olympiad Competitions. This year, we had a record number of students volunteer to sit the exams: eighteen Biology students; twenty-one Chemistry students; four Earth and Environmental Sciences students; and nineteen Physics students.

Year 10 students Vernica Mehta and Esther Wu performed to a very high standard, with both achieving Distinctions in Physics. Our Year 11 students accomplished some impressive results, too. Lauren Quach and Teresa Ho are commended for their Distinctions in Physics. Julia Chung attained a Distinction for Biology, and Grace Blomfield, Grace Li, Catherine Wang, Helena Yan and Sabrina Yang were awarded Distinctions for Chemistry. Congratulations to Olivia Arvanitis for attaining Distinctions in Biology and in Earth and Environmental Science; and to Anna Jin, who achieved Distinctions in both Physics and Chemistry.

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