Welcome back to Term 4. The summer uniform is worn during this term and Term 1 by all students. Please note, girls are expected to arrive and leave School in their summer uniform. It is no longer permissible to wear the sports uniform to and from School. Girls can make use of the changerooms for PDHPE practical lessons and sports training. With a new term, we also begin a new season of sport. I wish all girls involved a successful season where they work hard to improve their skills and teamwork.
The Cadet training year commenced yesterday at Trinity Grammar School. Many girls have been promoted to new positions of leadership and a new cohort of Year 7 recruits begin their adventure and are looking forward to the Bivouac Camp held later in the term. All the best to our cadet leaders as they develop and refine their leadership skills and the Year 7 recruits as they embark on this exciting program.
Many girls have been honing their skills with the spoken word in preparation for the two-day Festival of Speech that will be held at Pymble Ladies College next weekend. Under the careful guidance of Mrs Yates and her team of coaches, the girls are primed and excited to compete in this prestigious multi-discipline event.
The third Amadeus Recital takes place on Tuesday 18 October from 6:00pm – 8:00pm. Please join us at Wallis Auditorium as we enjoy student musical performances of a very high calibre.
Camps for girls in Years 8 and 9 will take place in Week 5. Please promptly respond to any related School communication in the lead-up to these events.
A wide range of cocurricular activities is scheduled for this term. All girls are encouraged to jump in and have a go.
Amongst this hive of activity, it is worthwhile to pause and consider these words from John’s gospel, “The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world” (1:9). Let us consider the coming of the saviour Jesus, as we draw towards the end of the year and Christmas, amongst the many events that occur in the life of the School in Term 4.
Absence procedure
The Meriden App has recently been updated and now includes a simple interface for parents to contact the School regarding their daughter’s absence. Please refresh and update the app on your phone and refer to the notification in the app. This is an additional way to notify the School. You can still send an SMS to 0418193988 or email absences@meriden.nsw.edu.au as well. Please include the reason for your daughter’s absence, her full name and pastoral class.