Mr Loane
Head of Campus

The midpoint of the term is upon us and students are engaged in a variety of activities.

Years 8 and 9 students are enjoying the adventure and camaraderie at school camps this week. I am thankful these camps have been able to run and for the organisation and care of the staff and the enthusiasm of the girls. Two groups of Year 9 girls are currently participating in immersion camps in far north and southeast Queensland, whilst the remainder of the year group and Year 8 students have enjoyed their camps at Port Hacking, on the southern edge of Sydney, and Waterslea near Nowra.

Upcoming events

As Week 6 approaches, we eagerly look forward to the 125th Anniversary Concert at the Sydney Opera House on Tuesday 15 November. Limited tickets are available and can be purchased here.

Parents are invited to the Parents’ Prayer Evening on Thursday 17 November. The week finishes on Friday with a Year 7 Vaccination Day run by NSW Health and the entertaining Year 8 Musical Theatre Showcase held in Wallis Auditorium.

Music Under the Stars will take place on Selbourne lawn on the Senior School campus on Friday 25 November. The night promises to be a lovely relaxed evening of music performed by various student groups. Bring your picnic rug and enjoy a picnic or a BBQ sausage sandwich prepared by the P and F followed by a delicious gelato dessert.

The Senior School Drama production of Animal Farm will take place on Thursday 24 and Saturday 26 November in Wallis Auditorium. The cast and crew have been rehearsing energetically and are looking forward to performing this classic for you. Tickets are available here.

Parents and Friends’ Association

The new Meriden P and F office bearers for 2023 were elected at the recent Annual General Meeting. The following positions were filled:

President: Mr Stephen Howison

Senior Vice President: Mrs Jennifer Leong

Junior Vice President: Mrs Jacqueline Lee

Secretary: Mr Emad Hanna

Treasurer: Mr Will Leong

Publicity Officer: Mrs Fiona Vaux

I would like to note with thanks the valuable work the P and F do for the girls and the wider School community. Thank you to the 2022 committee members. I look forward to working with the new team. All Meriden parents are encouraged to contribute to the association whether that be by attending monthly meetings or supporting their various events throughout the year.

Traffic Safety around Margaret Street

A reminder to parents and girls of the need to be vigilant and patient during the busy pick-up and drop-off times on Margaret Street. Please help the traffic marshals by encouraging your daughters to stand well back on the footpath while waiting for buses and to use the marked pedestrian crossings. We have recently had a few incidents of students ducking across the road and moving between buses which is extremely dangerous. I appreciate your assistance in helping to keep the girls safe and your patience at these busy times of the day.