Mrs Chilton
Head of Student Wellbeing

I want to echo the welcome of the other senior staff as we begin a new school year. I hope that the summer break brought great refreshment and rest for you and your families. We are looking forward to partnering with you again in 2023. Here are a few ways you can connect with senior staff and the pastoral care team this term.

Welcome to Meriden Evening (Parents new to the Senior School)

On Friday 3 February at 6:00pm we will be holding an information evening for new parents to the Senior School campus. This evening will provide an opportunity to hear some key information from members of the senior staff and give parents the chance to meet other new parents in the Meriden community. Drinks and canapes will be generously provided by the Parents and Friends’ Association.

Parents of all new students from Years 7 to 10 are invited to this event. Please look out for an invitation which will be sent via email or click here to register for the event.

Parent Forum – Dr Judith Locke

In Week 6 this term, we will be holding a Parent Forum with Dr Judith Locke, psychologist and author of two parenting books, The Bonsai Child and The Bonsai Student. Please save the date in your calendar for this important conversation:

Parent Forum: Helping your child or teen become confident and capable in 2023

Senior School Parent Forum – Monday 27 February, 6:00pm – 7:30pm, Wallis Auditorium

All parents in the Senior School are invited to this forum as we partner with you in establishing strong and supportive routines for your daughter in 2023.

Pastoral Contacts

If you have any general questions for staff or wish to raise any wellbeing or pastoral concerns, please contact your daughter’s Year Coordinator in the first instance:

Year 7 – Ms Amy Wilson –

Year 8 – Mr Jonathan Eloff –

Year 9 – Mrs Julie Shannon –

Year 10 – Miss Ji Mee Lee –

Year 11 – Miss Charlotte Richards –

Year 12 – Mr Ronald Gordon –