Mrs Kenny
Head of Teaching and Learning

Feedback on Student Progress

In our partnership with you, we endeavour to provide helpful feedback on your daughter’s academic progress in a number of ways. One important opportunity is the conversations that take place during Parent/Teacher evenings. We address progress in each subject by focusing on the following questions:

  • What can your daughter do?
  • What can’t she do yet?
  • How does her current work compare with her earlier work?
  • How can she do better?

The first Parent/Teacher evening for 2023 is for parents of Year 12 students and will be held on Tuesday 28 February. Bookings with teachers will remain open until Monday 27 February. We encourage your daughter to accompany you and hear the teachers’ feedback.

Parent/Teacher evenings for other year groups are as follows:

Term 1

  • Year 11 – Tuesday 14 March
  • Year 7 – Tuesday 28 March

Term 2

  • Year 9 – Tuesday 16 May
  • Year 8 – Tuesday 30 May
  • Year 10 – Tuesday 20 June

Another way that we provide feedback is through reports. Our electronic reports (eReports) for students in Years 7 – 9 are designed to provide timely feedback. Statistical information about assigned tasks and each student’s Course Grade, Endeavour Grade and Approaches to Learning Grades appear on the eReport, two to three weeks after the task. This information is intended to be accessed along with the teacher’s feedback which is written on the task. Your daughter will bring home her teacher’s feedback in her assessment folder.

Reports for students in Years 10 to 12 are sent home each semester. These reports are designed to inform parents, as well as employers and universities, about each student’s level of achievement and progress.