Vaccinations administered by NSW Health are available onsite at Meriden for Years 7 and 10 girls on certain dates throughout the year. Year 10 students will receive the Meningococcal vaccination on Tuesday 30 May. The enrolment and consent process has moved to an online system, which uses the Service NSW portal. Please see the flyer below for further details. Click here to enrol your daughter by Tuesday 23 May. Families without a Medicare card will be given a hardcopy form to be completed and returned to the Senior School reception. General information about the program can be found here.
The second photo day in the Senior School will take place on Friday 26 May. Individual portraits, year group photos and some cocurricular groups will be taken on the day. Please ensure that full school uniform is worn.
Senior School students were reminded in Assembly this week that defibrillators are located outside the Sports Office, outside Wallis Auditorium near the Canteen, and outside the Recital Room in the GCMD. There are also defibrillators in reception at the Junior School and reception at Lingwood, as well as the clubhouse at Southend Tennis Centre. These devices are an essential part of first aid treatment.
On Friday 5 May, 400 Years 7 and 8 students from Meriden and Trinity Grammar School attended the Interact Dance. A great night was had by all, and funds were raised for White Ribbon Australia. Thank you to Mr Kuhan Rajalingam and the Years 10 and 11 leaders who organised the evening.
Over the Mother’s Day weekend, members of IGSA Basketball and Football teams wore pink ribbons and socks in support of the Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA).
Please consider supporting White Ribbon here or BCNA here.
Thank you to the Parents and Friends’ Association and the Junior School Auxiliary for their amazing efforts in organising the Mother’s Day Stall in the Junior School and the Mother’s Day Breakfast held at Waterview in Bicentennial Park. The breakfast was a wonderful morning for the Meriden community.