Dr Benn
Head of Junior School

It was lovely to see the girls return happy and well-rested this week and to welcome families who are new to the Junior School. There are several events planned for Term 3 that parents are warmly invited to attend.

Parent/Teacher Interviews

The Junior School teachers are looking forward to hearing your feedback and discussing the girls’ progress and next steps for learning at the Pre-Kindergarten to Year 6 Parent/Teacher Interviews on the afternoons of Monday 31 July and Tuesday 1 August. Bookings for the interview sessions are currently open on Parent Lounge.

Learning Showcases

Each class in Years 1, 2 and 3 will host a class presentation of learning in the Blackman Auditorium this year. Parents are welcome to attend when their daughter’s class is presenting. Parents of girls in Years 4, 5 and 6 are invited to attend a learning showcase hosted by their daughter’s year group. The year group showcases are designed so that the girls can share projects and other learning experiences with their parents.

The following presentations will take place in Term 3.

Class/Year Date Time
Year 6 Tuesday 25 July 2:15pm
1K Thursday 3 August 2:30pm
1C Thursday 10 August 2:30pm
3L Tuesday 15 August 2:30pm
1S Thursday 17 August 2:30pm
3B Tuesday 22 August 2:30pm
2T Thursday 31 August 2:30pm
Year 5 Tuesday 5 September 2:15pm
2M Thursday 7 September 2:30pm
Year 4 Tuesday 12 September 2:15pm
2L Thursday 14 September 2:30pm

Term 3 Events and JSA Meetings

We warmly invite Junior School families to the events below. Further details will be provided in due course.

  • Pre-K to Year 2 Book Parade – Friday 25 August, 9:00am, Wallis Auditorium
  • JSA Father’s Day Breakfast – Tuesday 29 August, 7:15am, Jobling Lawn


JSA meetings will be held on Tuesday 25 July, Tuesday 22 August and Tuesday 12 September, at 8:00am in the Selim Library. All parents are welcome to attend as we plan the JSA Father’s Day Breakfast and JSA Walk-a-thon. Pre-Kindergarten children are welcome in the library during the meeting, and we will finish in time for parents to take them to the Lingwood Campus.