Ms Bass
Acting Head of Teaching and Learning

At the conclusion of Term 2, there would have been a flurry of anticipation for the reading of semester reports and e-reports. The start of Semester 2 brings about the opportunity for reflection and reassessment of your daughter’s academic direction. Recalling the conversations from Parent/Teacher Interviews coupled with reviewing report feedback can be helpful in assisting your daughter set new goals for the term and semester. I encourage you to have this discussion with your daughter in the early weeks of term as she settles back into her routine at school and restores her study habits.

Term 3 is a busy term. There are numerous key events that take place across several year groups. Year 10 students will finalise their courses of study for the commencement of their preliminary studies in 2024. This will be followed later in the term by students in Years 7 and 8 commencing their consideration of electives for their 2024 studies. Year 11 students will be completing their preliminary courses and looking at finalising their subject pathway for their Higher School Certificate. Further communication will be made available to parents and students closer to the point of need.

For students in Year 12, Term 3 is the final term of formal lessons at Meriden. No doubt many of your daughters have commenced counting down how many more days they have left until their HSC Examinations. I have enjoyed meeting with Year 12 students throughout the last semester and hearing about their future plans for life beyond the blue gates of Meriden. It has been pleasing to hear their appreciation of all that Meriden has provided for them during their time with us, as well as their preparedness to embrace life’s next adventure at the conclusion of this year. It has been joyous to see their faces light up in sharing their memorable Meriden moments. There will certainly be many more opportunities for our senior students to share their journey during coming events later in the term.

In preparation for the upcoming Trial HSC Examinations, revision lessons have been running across several subject areas to support and assist your daughter as she continues to prepare for these examinations, which commence in Week 3. We trust that those students who attended the lessons found the opportunity for teacher-led revision productive and assistive to their preparation. My sincere thanks to the Year 12 teaching staff who facilitated these sessions and to those who provided feedback to students regarding work submitted during the school holidays.

Mrs Nicole Hearne, Dean of Studies, has been in communication with the Year 12 students about the logistics of the Trial HSC Examinations. We endeavour to replicate the same procedures for the trials as students will experience during their HSC Examinations. Please discuss these details with your daughter and ensure she has been reading her emails and listening to the information provided so she is best prepared for these exams.

A few key tips for supporting your daughter during this exam period:

  • Plan the practical details – Review the trial timetable, highlight relevant exams, and place it on your family’s communication board. The night before, go over plans for arrival at school. Please ensure your daughter arrives at least thirty minutes before the scheduled exam start time. Check your daughter has the required equipment the night before an exam and make sure she knows what to do if something goes wrong.
  • Ensure plenty of sleep – Your daughter needs to be well-rested to perform at her best during an examination. Late nights out and cramming the night before will not assist in providing a restful and relaxing night’s sleep.
  • Maintain a balanced diet and hydration – Stress can trigger changes in eating habits, so please monitor and provide nutritious snacks to fuel your daughter’s mind. Grazing on healthy snacks more often and eating smaller meals can assist in maintaining a balanced diet, particularly if your daughter loses her appetite. Avoid the supply of caffeine-based beverages as they can impact digestion and sleep patterns leading to heightened anxiety.
  • Take breaks and keep active – Some days students may be more productive with their revision than others and that is okay. Encourage your daughter to take ten-minute breaks periodically to get a drink and get away from the desk. This is important for maintaining concentration and retention of information. Exercise has proven benefits for brain activity, so please encourage your daughter to continue to exercise throughout the examination period.


We wish Year 12 students the very best with their upcoming Trial HSC Examinations and all students a successful start to Semester 2.