Mr Loane
Head of Campus

As Term 3 progresses, the girls’ learning continues, encompassing experiences both inside and outside the classroom. Year 12 students will be completing their Trial HSC Examinations until the beginning of Week 5. The majority of these examinations are being held in the Sports Centre. Students in Years 7 to 11 who have sport practice or a PDHPE practical lesson may wear their full sports uniform to and from school and throughout the day. From Monday 14 August, students are expected to wear their normal winter uniform. Year 12 students will return to their normal lessons on Thursday 17 August.

A group of Meriden cadets will participate in the Sandakan Remembrance Service at Burwood Park, commencing at 11:00am on Sunday 6 August. The Meriden community are invited to attend. Further details can be found here.

The Parents and Friends’ Association meets once a month. The next meeting is scheduled for 6:00pm on Monday 7 August at Level 2 of the Greenhalgh Centre for Music and Drama. All parents are welcome to attend.

On the following day, Year 10 students will attend an excursion to complete the RYDA Road Safety program held at Sydney Olympic Park. This will be a worthwhile learning experience for the girls as they approach the milestone of driver’s license attainment.

On Friday 11 August, Year 9 students will take part in a range of service activities after lunchtime. It has been encouraging to hear during Assemblies from representatives of some of the organisations the Senior School Houses have been supporting this year. The Policy and Advocacy Manager of the Mito Foundation and Meriden Old Girl, Ms Clare Pinkerton (Class of 1999), recently addressed the girls and expressed gratitude for their support. She provided valuable insights into mitochondrial diseases and the Foundation’s commitment to providing support to people affected by these diseases. In conclusion, Ms Pinkerton encouraged the girls to seek additional ways to serve our community.

As the time of year approaches for the election of new student leaders, we are preparing to choose Prefects from the current Year 11 cohort and House Officers from the current Year 10 cohort for the upcoming year. Mrs Brown will address the Year 11 students, and our current House Officers will speak with the Year 10 students to provide the girls with a comprehensive understanding of the roles and expectations associated with these leadership positions. At its core, Meriden values a servant-leader model. The process for nomination and election will be communicated to the girls in due course. It is important to note that the first step, nomination, will require girls to submit their applications by Monday 14 August.