Ms Bass
Acting Head of Teaching and Learning

‘Tis the season for subject selection.

Term 3 is a big decision term for several year groups who confirm subjects for the following academic year. At the commencement of the term, Year 10 students committed to their academic pathway for their final Stage 6 studies at school. In the coming weeks, students in Years 7 and 8 will decide upon which electives they wish to study in 2024.

The opportunity to navigate one’s own academic pathway can reinvigorate academic engagement and allow for the commencement of subject specialisation. Despite the excitement, it does require careful consideration and we ask students and families to spend time discussing subject options. Having an end goal in mind can be helpful in shaping subject choices. However, not everyone has a clear idea of what they want to do post-school. Considering strengths, passions and interests are important lenses to look through when determining subject options.

Elective subjects in Stage 4 focus specifically on harnessing creative and collaborative twenty-first-century learning capabilities, where the shift is on skill development, not just content. Students will experience learning opportunities that develop their digital literacy skills, critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity and collaboration. They will be challenged to take risks with their learning and consider innovative ideas to solve contemporary problems.

Elective subjects in Stage 5 bring an opportunity to expand patterns of study and deepen learning engagement in specialist courses. Students are encouraged to shape a program of study that will allow them to flourish academically. I suggest you consider which subjects will leverage the student’s strength and passion, allow for new challenges and advance academic engagement. Selection for Stage 5 is a particularly important decision to make as students commit to studying these courses for two years.

Over the next few weeks, students will be engaging in a series of presentations to assist in the subject selection process. During class time, Heads of Department and class teachers will present elective course information to students in Years 7 and 8. Girls will have the opportunity to hear about the courses on offer and ask questions to subject experts. Mrs Sharna Kershaw, Acting Dean of Academic Care, will also be discussing the logistics of the process with each year group and provide advice on how to make wise decisions.

Additionally, a Stage 4 and Stage 5 Elective Subject Information Booklet is available on eVe for parents and students to read at their leisure. Please take the time to consider your choices carefully. Once the academic year commences in 2024, it will not be possible to make changes to course enrolment. Students who discontinue studying a language will also not be able to re-enrol in that language at a later stage.

Key Dates:

Year 8 – The subject preference porthole will open on Monday 21 August and close on Sunday 3 September.

Year 7 – The subject preference porthole will open on Monday 4 September and close on Sunday 17 September.

Selecting elective subjects is an exciting time in the year when students can deepen their learning engagement and reignite and discover new passions and interests. My key advice for students is to select subjects that you are interested in and will enjoy, subjects in which you feel you could achieve academic success and subjects that provide a balance of theory and practical application. Enjoy this opportunity to consider future academic pathways and reach out to class teachers, Heads of Department, Mrs Kershaw or myself if you have any further questions.