Mr Loane
Head of Campus

Last Sunday, I had the privilege of bidding farewell to a group of nearly fifty Year 9 students as they embarked on their service camp to Fiji. Mrs Jessica Chilton and Mr Douglas Broadbent similarly saw off the Year 9 groups bound for Cape York and South East Queensland. After extensive planning and growing anticipation over the past months, the day had finally arrived for the week-long service camps. We look forward to hearing about the girls’ experiences on these journeys during a future Assembly and in the Newsletter. Undoubtedly, the camps will have been filled with special memories of strengthened friendships and fulfilling activities.

The theme of the camps this week has been service. Taking their cue from Jesus, the exemplar servant, girls have been encouraged to use their talents and abilities in the service and upliftment of others. Engaging in construction projects in Fiji and participating in wildlife conservation efforts in South East Queensland are just two of the activities the girls have undertaken.

A fourth camp option for Year 9 students took place at Deer Park on the glorious Port Hacking River. Girls have been engaging in a variety of practical service activities, including visiting nursing homes and early learning centres, preparing toys-and-tucker hampers, and preparing a morning tea by baking scones and cookies. Girls also had the opportunity to challenge themselves in the activity of stand-up paddleboarding. It was pleasing to see most girls engage positively in this tricky sport. There was much falling off and getting back on, interspersed with much laughter. After a while, though, most girls were able to find their balance and steer their craft in their intended direction, for the most part!

The Year 8 camp, spanning from Wednesday to Friday, involved all students in the year group travelling to the Waterslea Youthworks campsite on the Shoalhaven River. The camp’s theme encompasses three key elements: challenge, resilience, and independence. During the camp, girls partake in a two-night expedition that includes hiking, canoeing and rafting, while staying in tents overnight.

The European History Tour Pre-Departure Meeting will take place on Tuesday 21 November at 6:00pm in the Lecture Theatre. It is essential that all tour participants and their parents or guardians attend this meeting.

We are now in the middle of Term 4. With the majority of assessments for the term finished and camps either completed or in progress, we now turn our attention more earnestly towards the end of the year. Music Under the Stars will take place on Friday 24 November in the Bell Garden and Avenue located on the Senior School Campus. The numerous musicians comprising the various ensembles are looking forward to showcasing their talents on the evening, and the Parents and Friends’ Association will be offering a BBQ, gelato and an assortment of baked goods. All members of the Meriden community are invited and encouraged to attend.

On Sunday 26 November, some Meriden cadets, including the new Year 7 recruits, head to Appin for the annual Cadets Bivouac Camp. The camp will be excellent preparation for the longer Annual Field Exercise held each April.  A diverse array of interesting activities has been planned to challenge our cadets. All cadets are encouraged to participate in them with enthusiasm.

Locker migration has commenced in preparation for the upcoming year. This provides a good opportunity for girls to thoroughly clean out their old lockers but, more importantly, it provides a clean slate to implement positive habits like maintaining cleanliness and organisation.