In this article: Christ is Risen | Traffic safety | Languages Week | Cadets AFX | P and F Meeting
Easter week is finally here, and many girls (and their families) are looking forward to a five-day break from school, late as we are in Term 1. May I encourage you to consider the Easter message: in Jesus’ death on the cross and his glorious resurrection, we see God’s love so clearly demonstrated to us. We see that he is mighty to save. On Sunday let us joyfully proclaim, “Christ is risen, Christ is risen indeed.”
Please support the School as we endeavour to provide a safe environment for your daughters’ learning. I ask all parents to remind their girls to be vigilant when walking to and from school, especially around Strathfield station and the buses, and to be aware of their surroundings. We have had one or two recent near misses where girls have been distracted or made poor choices near busy roads and buses. Girls should wait patiently for their bus and always keep away from the kerb as far as is practical. I would also remind parents to please drive slowly, be patient and listen to and follow the instructions of our traffic marshals.
Beginning Tuesday 2 April, the Senior School will celebrate Languages week. The Language captains and faculty have put together an interesting array of activities for all girls to engage in. This ranges from a passport activity to learn new phrases in various languages, cultural card games, quizzes, special menu items at the Blue Bell Café and a Latin dancing activity.
Preparations are well under way for the Cadets Annual Field Exercise, a highlight of the year for the girls in the Cadets program. Permission and information notes have been distributed through Parent Lounge, and I encourage parents to review and accept this event permission request. The Advance Party (a limited number of senior cadets) will leave on Friday morning, 5 April, from Meriden. The rest of the cadets will leave on Sunday morning, 7 April, from Trinity Grammar School. All cadets will return to Meriden on Friday 12 April, at around 2pm.
The Parents and Friends community group will meet for their monthly meeting on Monday 8 April at 6pm in the Boardroom. All parents are warmly invited to attend.