Dr Benn
Head of Junior School
The benefits of school uniform

There are many benefits to having a school uniform. Uniforms help create a sense of equality and belonging; they can remove peer pressure to wear certain items to fit in. Getting dressed in the morning can be faster when a child doesn’t have to choose what to wear, and wearing a uniform can also help a child express herself through her personality instead of being defined by her clothing.

As the girls progress through Junior School, they should become increasingly responsible for organising their uniform items and wearing them correctly each day. We expect each girl will quickly learn to:

  • wear her Meriden hat and blazer when she travels to and from school or when she is out and about in public in her uniform;
  • tie her hair back neatly with a navy ribbon;
  • keep her shoes polished and learn to tie laces;
  • only wear plain gold, silver or pearl studs if she wears earrings;
  • keep track of her uniform items and look in the lost property box if something is missing.

More information about the uniform is available in the Junior School Planner.


Mother’s Day Stall

The JSA Mother’s Day Stalls at Lingwood and the Junior School Campus were wonderful, and we sincerely thank the JSA Committee members, led by Mrs Julia Lee, for their organisation and effort. We are grateful for the large group of volunteers who gave their time to wrap gifts, set up displays and help serve the girls. The girls were excited to choose presents as tokens of thanks for their mothers, grandmothers and other special people in their lives.