Mrs Chilton
Head of Student Wellbeing

Last week, our 2024 Prefect body led an initiative in the Senior School for all girls in Years 7-12. The event brought the community together to celebrate friendship, and encourage girls to embrace inclusivity and new friendships. It was a wonderful example of student leadership in action, and reflective of the tone that this year’s Prefect body has set in our school community. During a time of peak assessments, fatigue and winter illness, these students carved out time to plan and execute a joy-filled community moment. I want to thank the Prefects for their efforts and commend all the students and staff who involved themselves in this event. There are certainly some expert hair stylists in our school community!

Similarly, last week the House Officers ably led their Houses in the House Service initiatives. They designed a range of creative activities that linked to their House charities, helping girls understand more about the social issues relevant to the organisations, and forging more connections within the Houses.

As girls in Years 10 and 11 begin to think about applying for student leadership positions in 2025, we will be encouraging them to reflect on the example of this year’s student leaders and the role of student leaders in a school context more generally. There can be a temptation to think that being a leader is about popularity, prestige or status. Instead, we regularly instil in the girls that leading others is an act of service. It takes time, effort, courage, conviction and a commitment to other people to do well. It requires creatively putting the needs of others and the school community above their own interests – in a world that regularly encourages us to put ourselves first.

We hope that as girls consider putting themselves forward for student leadership, they will reflect on ways in which they can see opportunities to serve the other girls and staff in our school community.