Dr Benn
Head of Junior School

Years 3 to 6 girls will participate in the outdoor education program during the camps in Week 3. Camps allow the girls to experience recreational outdoor activities, build relationships in the year group and develop independence. In our experience, it is usual for some girls to feel confident about going to camp and others to feel nervous. To help the girls prepare, each year group will meet next week to discuss the daily program, activities and expected behaviour during camp.

Term 4 Events

Parents are invited to join us at the following special events in Term 4.

  • Thursday 7 November – Junior School Ensembles Concert, Wallis Auditorium, 6:00pm.

The Music ensembles and choirs will perform.

  • Friday 6 December – Pre-Kindergarten Christmas Celebration, Lingwood Campus, 9:30am – 10:30am. Parents of Pre-K girls can join the children for this special celebration.
  • Monday 9 December – K-2 Christmas Concert, Wallis Auditorium, 6:00pm. The concert will involve every child from Kindergarten to Year 2. Information about tickets will be provided later in the term.
  • Tuesday 10 December – Junior School Prize Giving Ceremony, Wallis Auditorium, 9:00am. All Kindergarten to Year 6 students will attend and each Year 6 girl will be individually acknowledged.

As is our usual practice, the teaching and learning will continue until the end of the term. Please prioritise attendance at school when planning holidays at the end of the year – requests for students to take leave before the end of term will not be granted.