Creative Arts

Creative Arts

Meriden’s Creative Arts offerings allow girls to develop as creative producers and as knowledgeable consumers of art and culture.

Across the curriculum, girls learn the skills required to create bodies of work and to evaluate their own work and that of others. Meriden girls have always enjoyed their time in the School’s technology suites, art rooms and kitchens – specialised spaces that present opportunities for creativity, skill development and self-expression.

In the Junior School, Creative Arts subjects are taught explicitly as well as being incorporated across the curriculum. The girls learn to be makers who consider both form, and function and their colourful classrooms are a celebration of the joy they experience during this process.

In the Senior School, students have access to a combination of compulsory and elective Creative Arts subjects including: Design and Technology, Food Technology, Graphic Design, Hospitality, Living in the Digital World and Visual Arts.

View some of the creative work of our students

Creative Arts News

Meriden’s students have been recognised for their exemplary effort in Music, Drama, Design and Technology, and Visual Arts, receiving 22...
Year 7 student Isabella Lu was selected as a finalist in this year’s Young Archie competition. The Young Archie competition...
The annual ARTEXPRESS exhibition, showcasing the best artworks by HSC students, this year includes Meriden 2021 graduate Liliane Spratt’s HSC...